SKU: evening-primrose-1000mg Category:



Evening Primrose Oil. Beauty from within! Hormonal balancing.
This food supplement produced from Oenothera biennis seeds is an important source of Omega 6 – gamma linoleic acid, essential in the production of prostaglandin, the basis for the optimal functioning of cells, as well as in the regulation of hormones and various chemical compounds in the body.
Essential fatty acids are bioelements that cannot be produced by the human body. They must be assimilated either through a specific diet or through quality food supplements.
Evening Primrose Oil 1000 mg has numerous health benefits. Besides fatty acids, it is also a valuable source of vitamins, amino acids and proteins. Due to its high concentration in Omega 6 fatty acids, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and does not present the side effects of this type of medication.


It is recommended for keeping the beauty and the hydration of the skin, for improving dermatological and rheumatic conditions; ideal for activating the metabolism and maintaining a good mental state.

1. The health and beauty of the skin.

Evening Primrose Oil 1000 mg slows down the aging process;gamma-linoleic acid is essential for a healthy complexion;maintains skin elasticity and gives a luminous complexion;essential fatty acids prevent the appearance of wrinkles;helps to maintain an optimal level of hydration; protects the skin against pollution or toxic environment;contributes to the treatment of dermatological conditions;adjuvant in the treatment of atopic manifestations on the skin.

2. Anti-inflammatory effect. The health of the joints and the nervous system.

Evening Primrose Oil 1000 mg has a strong anti-inflammatory effect;supports the immune system and speeds up the recovery;gamma-linoleic acid helps maintain a healthy osteoarticular system;reduces joint pain and restores mobility;acts beneficially in rheumatic diseases;helps to combat neurodegenerative diseases;determines good functioning of the nervous system and brain functions;Evening Primrose Oil helps to relieve depressive states of mind;contributes to a good mental state and increases resistance to stress.

3. Hormonal balancing. Weight loss.

Evening Primrose Oil 1000 mg helps maintain hormonal balance;reduces the discomfort caused by menopause – especially hot flashes;contributes to the improvement of premenstrual syndrome (PMS);helps the proper functioning of the thyroid gland;speeds up fat burning and reduces fat deposits.

4. Cardiovascular health. Kidney and liver health.

Evening Primrose Oil 1000 mg contributes to the health of the heart and circulatory system;reduces cholesterol and prevents fat deposits on the walls of blood vessels;speeds up the burning of saturated fats;acts as a hepato-protector;contributes to the good functioning of the kidneys.

Evening Primrose Oil 1000mg is recommended in:

Atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, couperose skin;Hypercholesterolemia, hypertension;Weakened immune system;Imbalances of the nervous system;Premenstrual (PMS) and menopausal disorders, dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, fibrocystic mastosis of the breast;Atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis (MS), thrombosis;Obesity, diabetic neuropathy;Rheumatoid arthritis.


Request the doctor’s consent in the administration of Evening Primrose Oil 1000 mg in case of pregnancy or breastfeeding.Prevents premature aging. Nourishes hair and nails. Beneficial in premenstrual syndrome and hormonal disorders.

Administration of Evening Primrose Oil 1000 mg

1-2 capsules per day, after meals.It is recommended to drink 1-2 liters of liquids per day. A box with 90 capsules is enough for 90 days.

Duration of administration

3 months, followed by a one-month break, after which the administration of the product can be resumed.


Active ingredients/capsule:

Oenothera biennis oil / Oenothera biennis*1000mg

Exchange and Return

There is No Exchange policy, only order cancellation within 24 hours from placing the order.

Shipping Details

Expected time of delivery is 48 hours .
