SKU: SIBERIAN GINSENG 1000 mg Category:



The root of life! Increases longevity, vitality, intellectual performance. Promotes fertility. Hypoglycemic. Siberian ginseng is classified in Chinese medicine as a superior plant, considered to be the king of adaptogenic plants. It is found in the coniferous forests of East Asia, China, Japan or Russia.

Siberian Ginseng Effects And Benefits The therapeutic properties of this medicinal plant have successfully established it as anti-cholesterol, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, general tonic, immune and nervous system stimulant, osteo-articular system strengthener.

  • A healthy brain. A protected cardio-vascular system.
    • Food supplements with Siberian Ginseng delay neuro-degenerative processes;
    • helps in controlling blood pressure values;
    • Stimulates the lipid mechanism and lowers cholesterol.
Natural aphrodisiac and stimulant for the reproductive system.
    • Siberian Ginseng 1000 mg has effects of increasing libido
    • ginseng potency: helps treat impotence and infertility;
    • increases the quality and quantity of spermatic fluid;
    • combats infertility in women and accelerates the ovarian development of the egg;
    • improves blood circulation and oxygen levels, as they both play an important role in the reproductive function.

Indications The food supplement Siberian Ginseng 1000mg is indicated in:

    • fatigue, asthenia, overwork, stress, depression, convalescence;
    • improving intellectual, physical and sexual performance;
    • couple fertility;
    • increasing libido and as an aphrodisiac;
    • increasing resistance to infections;
    • adjuvant in the treatment of: hepatitis B, malnutrition, psoriasis, acne;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • delaying the aging process;
    • adjuvant treatment for Alzheimer’s or ADHD. 

Precautions Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as for people allergic to any of the ingredients. Avoid administration if you suffer from:

    • insomnia
    • blood coagulation diseases
    • mental illnesses (schizophrenia, mania)
    • Diabetes and Hypertension
    • Obstructive apnea during sleep


  • Administration

Adults: 1-2 tablets/day. A bottle with 90 film-coated tablets is enough for 90 days. Duration of administration 3 months, followed by a one-month break, after which the administration of the product can be resumed. Composition Active ingredients/filmed tablet

Siberian ginseng / Eleutherococcus senticosus 100mg
(10:1 root extract, equivalent to 1000 mg Siberian Ginseng)




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Expected time of delivery is 48 hours .
